Saturday, May 23, 2015

May all be in peace, harmony and justice.

In the present context of earthquake disaster and its aftermath effect on the people of Nepal economically, politically, socially or whatsoever, the only answer to resolve to a common solution is what I perceive. I believe, there is no other way than to come to a compassionate understanding what Buddha taught, "The Four Nobel Truths" 2600 years ago in his first teaching given to his first five disciples in Sarnath Deer Park not very far from where Dr. CK Raut comes from. So I would refute what Dr. CK Raut speaks of recently. I believe this is not the high time to speak of like..... Every body has some grievances, pains, relief, ups and down. If we don't understand the ultimate reality, then we are no different than the other animals. 

I still remember, when Japan got worse hit by Tsunami few years back, the people were disparate lining up in Que for foods. A boy of barely of 10 years old got his food ahead of others. When he saw someone was more desperate than himself, he gave that food to that person, saying, "his need is more important than mine" Can we think of this way ?  Can we think of better than a 10 year old Japanese boy ? Because, the quake hit has no physical boundary based on a political premise.

May all be in peace, harmony and justice.

Thanks, ~KS
Kishore Sherchand

2015-05-20 7:21 GMT-07:00 Deo Dhakal <>:
It is good to read and reflect rather than react!
Dr Dhakal

2015-05-20 9:03 GMT-04:00 Buddhi Narayan Shrestha<>:

I join Ratna Sansar's wordings,
Buddhi Narayan shrestha

2015-05-20 5:50 GMT+05:45 ratna.sansar <>:
अदालतले पनि बिखण्डनकारीलाई साथ दिएकाे त हैन हाेला !?

2015-05-19 14:35 GMT+05:45 Madan Dahal<>:

विखण्डनकारी र गृह युद्धको धम्की !

एक जना विखण्डनकारीले पहाडका भूकम्प पीडितजनतालाई तराईका जिल्लाहरूमा पुनर्वास गराईएमानेपालमा गृह युद्ध हुने धम्की दिएको वारे हिजो आजसामाजिक सञ्जालमा सनसनीखेज प्रतिकृयाहरूआईरहेको त्यो स्वभाविक छ। प्रतिकृया स्वरूपआफ्नो एक थोपा मात्र रगत रहे सम्म पनि मातृभूमि रक्षार्थ लडी रहने प्रण व्यक्त गरिएको ,  त्यो भावनाको सवैले उच्च सम्मान गर्नु पर्दछ। विखण्डनकारीको विष वमन प्रति तराईका नेताहरूअहिले सम्म "मौनरहनु आश्चर्यजनक अनपेक्षित छ।

त्यो भन्दा पनि दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण कुरा के हो भने सम्पूर्णसवुद प्रमाण (मनसावाचाकर्मणा विखण्डनकोदुराशय प्रमाणित हुने पुस्तकझण्डाक्षेत्रफलठाउं-ठाउंमा नारा-जुलुसभाषणको टेप रेकर्ड आदि)सहित देश द्रोहको मुद्दा चलेको त्यो व्यक्तिलाईअदालतले प्रमाण नपुगेको भनि सफाई दिएको छ। यसलाई तपाईंहरू के भन्नु हुन्छ?

समय समयमा अप्राकृतिक रूपमा जन्म लिएकायस्ता कुपात्रहरूको विगविगीलाई नियन्त्रण गर्नराष्ट्रिय एकतानै प्रयाप्त छ। हामी सवैलाइ चेतनाभया !

·    Madan Dahal

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