Friday, September 4, 2015

37 senators support Iran nuclear deal

News Updates from CLG
04 September 2015
Previous edition: 1,100 union workers to strike at nuclear weapons plant
37 senators support Iran nuclear deal | 03 Sept 2015 | Three more Democratic senators announced their support Thursday for the Iran nuclear agreement, increasing the possibility the deal's supporters may be able to block a Senate vote on a resolution disapproving of the pact. The announcements by Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota and Mark Warner of Virginia bring the number of pro-deal senators to 37. President Obama needed 34 to prevent the Senate from overriding his veto of any resolution of disapproval opposing the Iran deal. He had secured that number by Wednesday.
Senate Dems Have Votes to Hand Obama Victory on Iran Deal| 02 Sept 2015 | Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland became the crucial 34th vote in favor the Iran nuclear dealWednesday, ensuring a landmark victory for President Barack Obama over ferocious opposition from Republicans and the government of Israel. Mikulski's backing gives supporters the margin they need to uphold an expected Obama veto of a congressional resolution of disapproval that Republicans hope to pass later this month. And it spells failure for opponents of the international agreement who sought to foil it by turning Congress against it. Leading that effort were Israel and its allies [AIPAC trolls] in the U.S., who failed to get traction after spending millions of dollars trying.
Poll shows majority wants Congress to approve Iran deal | 01 Sept 2015 | A new survey shows a majority of Americans wants Congress to uphold the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran. According to the survey from the University of Maryland, 55 percent of respondents said Congress should get behind the agreement, despite some concerns...In a key stat for Democratic backers of the agreement, 61 percent of independents recommended that Congress approve the deal, along with 72 percent of Democrats.
US considered nuclear strike on Afghanistan after 9/11 - German diplomat | 30 Aug 2015 | A nuclear strike against Afghanistan was on the table in Washington in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, a senior German diplomat told Spiegel magazine. Michael Steiner, the current German ambassador to India, served as foreign and security policy aide to then-German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder at the time of the 9/11 attacks. "The papers were written," he said, confirming that the nuclear option was under consideration. "They had really played through all possibilities."
NATO begins naval drills in Black Sea with Ukraine | 01 Sept 2015 | Ukraine is hosting naval military exercise in the Black Sea with NATO forces, involving 2,500 troops and some 150 military vehicles, from warships and helicopters to armored cars. The host nation of Sea Breeze 2015 has deployed 1,000 troops, nine warships and eight aircraft for the drill. The US has sent 1,000 troops as well as five warships, two submarines and six aircraft. The remaining 500 troops, six warships, three submarines and six aircraft were provided by Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Romania, Turkey, the UK and the non-NATO nations Moldova and Sweden.
WikiLeaks' Assange stays indoors, fears CIA drone attack | 30 Aug 2015 | WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange fears he will be sent to the United States, where he could face the death penalty, and even worries that he will be targeted by a CIA drone. Assange, who faces extradition to Sweden on [phony] rape charges and has been holed up at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London since 2012, said in an interview with The Times Magazine that things have become so dangerous that he cannot even poke his head out of the embassy's balcony doors. "There are security issues with being on the balcony; there have been bomb threats and assassination threats from various people," he said during the interview.
Judge lays out path to revive challenge to NSA phone surveillance program | 02 Sept 2015 | A federal judge laid out a path Wednesday to revive a constitutional challenge to the National Security Agency's domestic telephone-records surveillance program, days after a U.S. appeals court ruled that the plaintiffs lacked standing to sue. U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon, who earlier had called the NSA call-records program "almost Orwellian," said that plaintiffs could amend their case immediately to include customers of Verizon Business Network Services, a Verizon unit known to have participated in the program.
White House aide beaten and robbed in violent attack by two suspects who stole his government issued Blackberry cellphone --His phone was disabled after he reported the incident to the White House | 03 Sept 2015 | A White House aide was beaten and robbed in a violent attack that occurred earlier this summer in Washington, D.C. The victim, who is a junior White House aide, was jumped by two suspects when he was walking near the Columbia Heights Metro Station on Irving Street, NW onJuly 14 around 11:30pm, WTTG reported. The aide was jumped from behind and punched in the face twice by his two assailants. The suspects went through the victim's pockets when he fell to the ground and stole his wallet, government Blackberry and backpack.
Barack Obama heads for Arctic Circle on climate campaign [after he allows Shell to drill there] | 31 Aug 2015 | Shrinking glaciers, Arctic temperatures and a mix of messy energy politics await President Barack Obama on his trip to Alaska, where he will become the first sitting president to step foot in the Arctic Circle. Obama departs Monday morning for a three-day tour of the largest US state, aiming to call attention to the ways Obama says climate change [global warming] is already damaging Alaska's stunning scenery. By showcasing thawing permafrost, melting sea ice and eroding shorelines, Obama hopes to raise a sense of urgency to slow climate change global warming in the US and overseas.
Pilgrim nuclear plant safety rating is downgraded | 02 Sept 2015 | (MA) The federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced Wednesday that it has downgraded the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station's safety rating after repeated unplanned shutdowns at the Plymouth facility and recurring problems with the plant's safety relief valves. The plant is now one of just three nuclear power reactors nationwide ranked in the next to lowest performance category, officials said. There are no plants in the lowest category. "They are one step removed from the column where they would be at risk of being shut down by the NRC," said NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan.
Ex-Fukushima No. 1 worker sues Tepco over cancer | 01 Sept 2015 | A former worker at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant has filed a damages suit against Tokyo Electric Power Co. and others, claiming that he developed cancer due to exposure to radiation after the March 2011 nuclear disaster. His lawyers said Tuesday the suit, filed in the Sapporo District Court, is the first litigation on causal relations between cancer and work to deal with the crisis. The 57-year-old man is seeking a total of 65 million yen in damages from Tepco, contractor Taisei Corp. and its subcontractor.
Canadian Election Ignoring Hot Issues --Very Real Nuclear Dilemma | 31 Aug 2015 | There are several lists with a total of 89 different topics scolding PM Stephen Harper. I am certain the list has grown since last week. As the Prime Minister of Canada he could admit that he made some serious errors during the last four years...A major story, not on any of the lists, nor mentioned by our glorious news readers has to do with nuclear waste...How does it make you feel when you are told a nuclear waste dump is being placed near your town or city? The entire project was kept out of sight until someone attended a meeting and discovered the deal was almost done. 29,000 metric tonnes of nuclear waste will be dumped into a pit 1.6 kilometers, (1 mile), from the Great Lakes.
France says wing part found on Reunion island definitely from MH370 | 03 Sept 2015 | The piece of wing found on the shore of Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean has been formally identified as part of the wreckage of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, the Paris prosecutor said on Thursday. The part, known as a flaperon, was found on the shore of the French-governed island on July 29and Malaysian authorities have said paint color and maintenance-record matches proved it came from the missing Boeing 777 aircraft. The French prosecutor, who had until Thursday's statement been more cautious on its provenance, said a technician from Airbus Defense and Space (ADS-SAU) in Spain, which had made the part for Boeing, had formally identified one of three numbers found on the flaperon as being the serial number of the MH370 Boeing 777.
GcMAF treatment kills cancer cells; holistic doctors 'suicided' over this stunning breakthrough | 28 Aug 2015 | A breakthrough cancer treatment appears to be the reason why a handful of holistic doctors were recently found "suicided" is now gaining worldwide attention as a potential universal cure for cancer. And newmicroscopic footage released by First Immune shows this amazing remedy in action -- the human protein GcMAF is visually seen activating the body's own macrophages, which are then able to attack and destroy breast cancer cells in vitro. By delivering an activated version of this substance intravenously, scientists have shown that the immune system can be fully invigorated to destroy cancer cells on its own without the need for chemotherapy or radiation. Short for Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor, GcMAF just so happened to be the primary focus of research being conducted by Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, M.D., a Florida doctor who was found floating dead in a river back in June. His sudden death was immediately ruled a suicide, even though he had a gunshot wound to the chest, suggesting he was murdered.
Illness sends more than 100 kids home from school in Person County, North Carolina | 02 Sept 2015 | (Roxboro, NC) The Person County Health Department says 125 students were sent home from school Wednesday due to illness. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and a low grade fever. Laboratory testing is being conducted to determine the cause. [Perhaps it can be traced to the tainted, disgusting 'food' from privatized cafeteria services.] The director of the Person County Health Department is calling it a gastrointestinal illness.
6 San Quentin inmates ill with Legionnaires' disease | 30 Aug 2015 | Prison officials say they have confirmed six San Quentin State Prison inmates are ill with Legionnaires' disease. State corrections department spokeswoman Dana Simas said Sundayanother 51 inmates are under observation at the prison's medical unit. Simas says cooking at the prison has stopped because Legionella bacteria grow in water and spread through water molecules. Inmates are being served boxed meals.
3 injured in machete attack at University of Arkansas, officials say | 04 Sept 2015 | A machete-wielding man injured two people and himself Thursday in a wooded area of the University of Arkansas campus, officials said. University spokesman Steve Voorhies said the attack happened around 7:15 p.m. He said no one involved is believed to be a student and campus operations weren't affected. One of the victims was in critical condition.
One Dead, 2 Wounded in Shooting at Sacramento City College: Police | 03 Sept 2015 | The campus of Sacramento City College was on lockdown Thursday afternoon after three men were shot near the school's baseball field, police said. One of the victims, identified only as male, was was transported to a local hospital where he later died, according to the Sacramento Police Department. The conditions of the other two victims were not released.
Off-duty Texas police officer found dead in his home, investigators say death 'suspicious' | 02 Sept 2015 | Investigators said the death of an off-duty Texas police officer in his home Monday night was likely homicide, but added there was no evidence the officer was specifically targeted for being a member of law enforcement. Abilene Police Officer Don Allen, 27, was found dead by family members at his home in Clyde, 15 miles east of Abilene, Monday evening. At a news conference Tuesday, Abliene Police Chief Stan Standridge described Allen's death as "suspicious" and said the FBI, ATF, and the Texas Rangers were among the agencies investigating the case.
Illinois town on lockdown during manhunt for suspects in killing of police officer | 02 Sept 2015 | More than 100 police, using dogs and helicopters, searched northern Illinois overnight for three suspects in the killing of Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz, a veteran police officer in Fox Lake, Illinois, who was shot on Tuesdayand later died of his wounds. Schools in the Fox Lake area were on lockdown Tuesday and closed Wednesday, and police ordered a no-fly zone in the area and asked people to stay locked indoors and report any suspicious activity. The FBI is helping state and local police in the hunt.
Huge manhunt for three armed and dangerous suspects who shot cop dead in Chicago suburb: Town on lockdown as SWAT teams go house to house --Residents are being told to stay in doors and the area is on lockdown | 01 Sept 2015 | A massive manhunt is underway in a suburb north of Chicago after a police officer was shot dead while on a routine patrol. Three armed and dangerous suspects, two white and one black, are at large after the cop was gunned down in Fox Lake, Illinois, at around 8am. Authorities confirmed the officer died at the scene. FBI and US Marshals are part of the huge the search which covers a vast area near Route 21 - a major highway connecting Chicago, which is around 60 miles south.
Man who shot Virginia journalists identified with 9/11 attacks: sheriff [Can we get a Sandy Hook tie-in here, too?] | 28 Aug 2015 | The gunman who killed two Virginia television journalists on air carried out a well-planned assault and identified with mass murderers and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, authorities said on Friday. The [alleged] shooter, Vester Flanagan, gave no sign of his destination or next move when he fled after gunning down the journalists from Roanoke station WDBJ7 on Wednesday, the Franklin County Sheriff's Office said in a statement. "It is evident that Wednesday morning's attack was well-planned and premeditated" and Flanagan apparently acted alone, the statement on the shooting investigation said. [Just one question: How did the shooter's hand morph from white to black? I don't want to be labeled a 'conspiracy' theorist, or anything...]
Obama returning to Columbia University after presidency - report | 31 Aug 2015 | The president of Columbia University on Monday suggested President Obama will return to the school after he leaves office, according to reports. University President Lee Bollinger said at an event for new students that he looked forward to hosting the president in 2017, the Columbia Spectator reported. He did not provide further details on what type of role Obama, a 1983 graduate, would have at the university. [*Still waiting* to read one essay or paper penned by Obama - pre-CIA employment - while he was a student.]
With flourish, Trump rejects independent bid if he loses GOP nomination | 03 Sept 2015 | With his typical showmanship...Donald Trump promised Thursday to forgo an independent bid for the White House if he loses his quest for the Republican nomination, a move that was aimed at easing worries of the party establishment but may only serve to boost his unpredictable, rogue campaign. Standing in the opulent and packed lobby of his Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan, Trump held up the document -- which was mistakenly dated Aug. 3 instead of Sept. 3. -- at a midday news conference and declared he was "pledging allegiance to the Republican Party and the conservative principles for which it stands." Republican Party officials circulated the 70-word pledge to all 17 GOP candidates this week, but the effort was aimed squarely at the one leading the pack in most polls.
Reminiscent of 'Fat Man' atomic bomb design during WWII:Christie threatens to 'go nuclear' at CNN debate | 01 Sept 2015 | Chris Christie may have just given CNN its best debate commercial yet. The New Jersey governor and GOP presidential candidate threatened to go "nuclear" if he doesn't get his fair share of questions during the network's Republican primary debate scheduled for Sept. 16 at the Reagan Library in California. "There was one point where I went 20 questions in a row without being asked a question, and that's hard," Christie said Monday on "TheTonight Show." "By the way, stay tuned on Sept. 16. We may be changing tactics if I get to like 15 questions in a row. Count them at're gonna go: 'Uh oh, he's gonna go nuclear now'."
McDonnell can remain free while Supreme Court decides on review | 31 Aug 2015 | The Supreme Court said former Virginia governor Robert F. McDonnell can avoid prison while the justices decide whether to accept his petition arguing that his conviction on corruption charges be overturned. The decision was a dramatic--perhaps unprecedented--win for the former governor, who lost a lower court appeal and who would have had to begin serving a two-year prison sentence without the Supreme Court's intervention. None of the justices signaled disagreement with the decision.
Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Jailed for Contempt | 03 Sept 2015 | The Kentucky county clerk who made herself a national celebrity by refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses was jailed Thursdayfor contempt of court. Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis was taken into custody by U.S. marshals, according to reporters on the scene. In sending her to jail, U.S. District Judge David Bunning ignored the American Civil Liberties Union's request that Davis be fined to compel compliance with orders that she issue marriage licenses.
Kentucky Clerk Denies Same-Sex Marriage Licenses, Defying Court | 01 Sept 2015 | A county clerk in Kentucky who objects to same-sex marriage on religious grounds denied licenses to gay couples on Tuesday, saying she was acting "under God's authority," just hours after the Supreme Court refused to support her position. In a raucous scene in this little town, two same-sex couples walked into the Rowan County Courthouse, trailed by television cameras and chanting protesters on both sides of the issue, only to be turned away by the county clerk, Kim Davis.
Police officer indicted for first-degree murder in death of unarmed teenager | 03 Sept 2015 | A police officer has been indicted with first-degree murder for the fatal shooting of an unarmed black 18-year-old in Virginia earlier this year. A grand jury in Portsmouth decided on Thursday to charge Stephen Rankin for killing William Chapman, Jon Michael Babineau, an attorney for Chapman's family, told the Guardian. Rankin shot Chapman in the head and chest outside a Walmart superstore on the morning of 22 April. The pair had engaged in a physical struggle after Rankin tried to arrest the 18-year-old on suspicion of shoplifting, according to police.
First hearing in Freddie Gray case begins in Baltimore | 02 Sept 2015 | The first circuit court hearing for six officers charged in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray began Wednesday morning, drawing protesters and national media back to Baltimore. The proceedings are expected to offer a first glimpse into how prosecutors and defense attorneys -- who have mostly been communicating through a flurry of biting legal filings -- will interact with each other in court as the case makes its way to trial. The hearings and the demonstrations that come with it could also be a test for the city that has been recovering from riots that ignited the day of Gray's funeral in April.
University of Texas removes Jefferson Davis statue | 30 Aug 2015 | A statue of Jefferson Davis was removed from its pedestalSunday on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin, days after a court rejected an appeal from a Confederate heritage group. Crews were seen removing the statue of the Confederate president from its place near the university's iconic clock tower. Davis's statue will eventually be displayed in the Briscoe Center history museum on campus, which university officials said is a more appropriate place for it.
Four hurricanes swirling, more dangerous weather on tap | 31 Aug 2015 | Forecasters are keeping a wary eye on four hurricanes -- two of which are Category 4 -- feeding off the warm waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. A Category 4 hurricane has maximum sustained winds of 130 to 156 mph. Hurricane triplets Kilo, Ignacio and Jimena have simultaneously formed in the central Pacific. It's the first time three hurricanes that held a Category 3 rating or stronger had formed in the central and eastern Pacific basins at the same time, according to the National Hurricane Center.
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