Sunday, June 14, 2015

we are not under the democratic system but under kleptocratic system -forget about the role/say/opinion of the common people even the so called elected members of CA are treated like puppets (the 601 fools accepted that they are only shoe polisher of the corrupt leaders from their deeds ) and they just only clapped on the constitution made by few most corrupt power hungry crooks. I

In reference to:Do ordinary people get chance to comment on the proposed constitution?
Kalyan Bhattarai <> wrote:
Dear friends -i have said many times we are not under the democratic system but under kleptocratic system  -forget about the role/say/opinion of the common people even the so called elected members of CA are treated like puppets (the 601 fools accepted that they are only shoe polisher of the corrupt leaders from their deeds ) and they just only clapped on the constitution  made by few most corrupt power hungry crooks.  I wonder how those who are rejected by the majority of the voters of all constituents are considered elected  there is a case where the candidate who lost his deposit because he was not  able to get the required votes (support from voters) but still consider as elected and the fools call such system as democratic !
 Why h in new constitution  PM is not  elected by the people directly. ? Last 2 decade's  history tells us how the so called  MP were sold in the open market, they were huddled in a hotel like sheeps ,they were sent to Bangkok in taxpayers money in the name of medical treatment to save from non confidence motion, some political parties even hurdled their PM and pleased them showing the blue flim to get the required signatures etc 
90 % of the people are fooled by few corrupt politicians and is being dragged to the wrong direction like federalism simply because the corrupt political leaders are in need of big plump post to their cadres  like CM ,Governor. DCM. and 100s of such unrequired post and these crooks will get salary, perks, residence, transportation facilities etc all from the poor citizen's tax paid money  etc 
I understand well why the corrupt politicians do favor such undemocratic system but wonder why the educated elites also consider such undemocratic system as democracy just to get few important post and ready to polish the shoe of corrupt leaders. 
can anybody explain why the direct election of CEO of the country is not accepted by the corrupt leaders  because they are in politics to loot the nation 
Can anybody explain me why the corrupt should not be hanged to death ? 
can anybody give me singe reasonable reason why a poor small country like nepal need federalism 
can any body tell me how the one rejected by the majority of the voters can be consider as their representatives ? 
can any body tell me under what law the politician from president to PM and almost all leaders are looting millions of taxpayers money in the name of medical treatment  
everybody knows  the PM fooled the citizen not once but many times by saying he will jail the one who misuses the relief fund but today when the 
newspapers are flooded with the corruption news not a single corrupt is arrested why 
why the CA cannot inform the people how many suggestion it received from the people's side and how many of that was incorporated in the constitution .This is because the present day corrupt power hungry politician are not interested for the betterment of the country or the nation and are interested only to loot the country so neither they incorporate the people's choice nor do give attention to the requirements of the citizen because  they  all are looters and should be hanged to death
After more than 45 days of EQ also there are many   real victims who have not received any relief but the cadres of the political parties have taken 95 % of the distributed fund/materials etc this is because  the present leaders are only interested for the better of their party cadres and do not care to the ordinary citizen. 
i request all the intellectuals of the country to come out of their petty interest and speak truth and not to  kill their inner voice . 
see the raping of democracy -  even for the post of messenger some qualification is needed like  cycling ,able to read and write -but no need of any qualification to be politicians why ? this is because the present day  corrupt politicians want to rule this country by goons, corrupt, murderers, looters,kidnappers, blackmailers  hijackers, and all kind of criminals -this is as simple as that but still i wonder why the so called intellectuals  cannot demand to have some qualification to be minister president PM etc why? May be because by polishing the shoe of such corrupt leaders the so called intellectuals want to get some post ?   
Thanks Kalyan dev Bhattarai

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