Saturday, June 13, 2015

Hot pursuit diplomacy and RSS Chest thumping not enough as RSS Head Mohan Bhagwat declared ,Bangladesh and Pakistan would become Hindu Nation sooner or later!Enough fire to set this Geopolitics on the moth of a Volcano.

Hot pursuit diplomacy and RSS Chest thumping not enough as RSS Head Mohan Bhagwat declared ,Bangladesh and Pakistan would become Hindu Nation sooner or later!Enough fire to set this Geopolitics on the moth of a Volcano.

Palash Biswas

Hot pursuit diplomacy and RSS Chest thumping not enough as RSS Head Mohan Bhagwat declared ,Bangladesh and Pakistan would become Hindu Nation sooner or later!Enough fire to set this Geopolitics on the moth of a Volcano.

Meanwhile,the AFSPA ZONE  Kashmir is burning inprotest as Geelani is under house arrest! 

The Hot pursuit seems to inflict RSS Raj in Kashmir and I am afraid,RSS CM,the Mufti has to bear the most of the burn!

Thus,news breaks in,the National Conference on Saturday accused Jammu and 

Kashmir Chief 

Minister Mufti Muhammad Sayeed of 

implementing the agenda of the Rashtriya 

Swayamsevak Sangh(RSS) in the state!

#Mufti implementing #RSS agenda in 

#Kashmir: #Omar Abdullah

National Conference workers protest against rudderless PDP-BJP regime in Srinagar!

 Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah, who launched a vociferous protest against the PDP-BJP coalition government today, said all decisions regarding the state are first taken in Nagpur, where the RSS headquarters is located. "We want to remind Mufti sahab of the promises he made. All decisions regarding Jammu and Kashmir happen first in Nagpur, then with Modi ji and then here," said Omar. Describing the Mufti Mohammad Sayeed-led regime as a non-starter, the agitating National Conference (NC) activists vociferously demanded a change. The NC activists were seen shouting slogans and causing damage to property in the city, while repeating their accusation that the PDP-BJP combine was working at "cross-purposes" and not meeting the basic minimum expectations of the people of the state. The problems and woes of the public were highlighted, and the state administration was charged with showing the least concern to resolving these issues.

Pakistan and Bangladesh also Hindu nations, says RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat!

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chiefMohan Bhagwat believes thatBangladesh and Pakistan are Hindu nations, reported India Today.

According to India Today's report, speaking at Sangh training camp at Sriji Baba Saraswati Shishu Mandir in Mathura, Bhagwat said that the Indian continent is a Hindu nation and people living in Bangladesh and Pakistan are also part of it.

Stating that there should not be any doubt about Bharat (India) being an Hindu rashtra, he said, "At any cost we cannot discard this belief.

Flags of dreaded terror group ISIS along with those of Pakistan were hoisted today in at least two places in Kashmir during protests over the killing of a separatist activist by unknown gunmen on Tuesday. 

A group of youth, with faces covered and carrying a black banner resembling Islamic State flag, marched from Jamia Masjid towards Nowhatta chowk soon after the Friday prayers, official sources said.

They said Pakistani flags were also waved by some youth in the area before police swung into action and chased away the protesters. No arrests have been made so far. 

Reports from Kupwara in north Kashmir said Pakistani flags were hoisted at some places there too after the Friday prayers, the sources said.

Violent protests were also reported from Sopore town and some other areas of Baramulla district leading to clashes with law enforcing agencies, the sources said.

"When I was ruling the state, it had two centres - Srinagar and Jammu. But now the state government has only one centre that is Nagpur," former chief minister Omar Abdullah said referring to the RSS headquarters.

"Today all the strings are pulled from there (Nagpur)."

Abdullah led a large anti-government rally from Municipal Park, which is adjacent to the headquarters of ruling Peoples Democratic Party, to the business hub of Regal chowk here.

Protestors, which included former ministers and senior NC leaders, termed the the PDP and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) coalition government in the state as "anti-Muslim and anti-Article 370".

The Article 370 of the constitution provides special status to the state and its repeal is one of the core agendas of the BJP.

"This government has shown its true colours in just 100 days of its formation. Despite having political differences with the PDP, we had offered our unconditional support to it, so that the BJP's march could be stopped," said Abdullah, who is also the working president of the NC.

He said PDP patron Sayeed sought votes from people by promising to stop the BJP and providing relief to flood affected people.

"But alas! Both of his (Sayeed's) promises have proven to be a hoax. Mufti Sayeed formed the government with the support of the BJP and left flood victims high and dry," Abdullah said.

"Ask our traders," he said, referring to shopkeepers of the Regal chowk, which was badly hit by floods last year, "have they received any relief from the government. Whatever little they received was only from our government."

The former chief minister also criticised Prime Minsiter Narendra Modi for failing to provide Rs.44,000 crore flood package sought by his government.

"I was there when you (Modi) promised help and even offered support to Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Fortunately they (PoK) didn't heed, otherwise they too would have been on roads demanding relief like us," Abdullah said.

Abdullah said they would make sure that the state government provides relief to people and delivers on ground.

Visibly feeling irritated by police blockades to prevent the NC rally from moving ahead, Abdullah asked his supports to march towards Lal Chowk, which is 500 metres from the Regal chowk.

The enthusiastic NC supporters removed police blockades as Abdullah waived the party's red flag from historic clock tower, which has remained centre of flag waiving in separatist rallies.

On the other hand,several leaders of hardline Hurriyat Conference including chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani were today put under house arrest by authorities to foil the plans of the amalgam to hold a controversial seminar tomorrow that was dubbed as 'ant-national'.

A posse of policemen has been deployed outside the residence of Geelani and no one is allowed to enter or leave the premises, a spokesman of the Hurriyat said. The police action came even as Jammu and Kashmir government said it will not allow "anti-India" activities in the state.

"No such rally or seminar will be allowed in the land of Jammu and Kashmir since we feel it will be anti-national activity," Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Singh said. "The law will take its own course," he said, adding," no anti-national activity can be allowed on any part of the country."

A Hurriyat spokesman said Muhammad Ashruf Sehrai, Ayaz Akbar and Raja Mehraj-ud-din were the others who were placed under house arrest on the eve of the planned seminar. Police officials refused to confirm or deny the house arrest of the separatist leaders.

Geelani, while condemning the move, said the government has shown intolerance even to peaceful programmes. "The government has completely buried the 'Battle of Ideas' slogan of the (Chief Minister) Mufti Mohammad Sayeed," Geelani said in a statement here.

The Hurriyat has planned to hold a seminar to which several separatist leaders, including from Sikhs groups, and Christian community representatives have been invited. "Hurriyat Conference has decided to organise a seminar in Srinagar on June 14 in which people from different walks of life will express their views on the topic 'How to Resist the Indian State Fascism'," a spokesman of the separatist amalgam said earlier this week.

Those invited for the seminar include Akali Dal leader Simranjit Singh Mann, Dal Khalsa leader Kanwarpal Singh, noted human rights activist Gautam Navlakha and representatives of the Christian community. 

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