Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Forget NOT Bangladesh War had been followed up by EMERGENCY,Sikh Genocide,Bhopal Experiment of mass destructionBabri Demolition and RSS governance of Gujarat model Genocide! Blind Nationalism provoked once again as Hot pursuit means to defeat Janata Challenge! Palash Biswas

Forget NOT Bangladesh War had been followed up by EMERGENCY,Sikh Genocide,Bhopal Experiment of mass destructionBabri Demolition and RSS governance of Gujarat model Genocide!

Blind Nationalism provoked once again as Hot pursuit means to defeat Janata Challenge!

Palash Biswas

Failed Modi replicate Indira to win Indian People and RSS uses Hot Pursuit to hide Modi failure with all the burning issues,burning questions.

Forget NOT Bangladesh War had been followed up by EMERGENCY,Sikh Genocide,Bhopal Experiment of mass destructionBabri Demolition and RSS governance of Gujarat model Genocide!

The Bhutto Fame thousands years` war game continued since the partition gets momentum yet again as media reports projects as

A day after Army carried out the first of its kind surgical 

strike in Myanmar, the government on Wednesday said 

India's \response is a "lesson" to all militant groups that it 

will not hesitate in going beyond its borders to eliminate 


Most amusing is the fact that ISLAMABAD helps the hegemony to make a tsunami out of the war cry  as Nisar Ali Khan said that Pakistan would never accept India hegemony and the 'Indian leaders should stop day dreaming.'

Lalu Yadav has been made corrupt and controversial but no politcian has  a spine of steel to stand in resistance against RSS Fascism.I had been involved in JP movement and worked as professional journalist in united Bihar based in Dhanbad coalfields and have witnessed the rise and fall of Lalu.I met Lalu last time in Bareilly Army Air base while he was the chief minster and was accompanied by VP Singh And Ajit Singh during mid term election campaign in 1991.

Lalu recognized me immediately and we talked right on the runway for long.I talked to VP and Ajit also and Dainik Amarujala published these interviews.

Once Lalu has decided to stop RSS Fascism,irrelevant of public stance Modi and entire Bajrangi gang understands its meaning.No Paswan or Majhi might face LALU NITISH combine.

At the same time,it has to be noted that BJP shares power in Jammu and Kashmir with PDP which might not survive against the aspiration of Kashmir Valley and voices the demand to repeal AFSPA.Irom Sharmila on prolonged Hunger Strike  had been neglected by the government and the nation but BJP and RSS might not rule Kashmir without managing Mufti and Mehbooba.

RSS governance of fascism got the golden opportunity to do away with the image of SOFT State with the Manipur Ambush and Modi did it ordering Hot Ambush and no one might dare to speak against AFSPA.

As I dealt with the development and posted my opinion on my blogs,RSS brigade of Bajrangi Sena branded the entire AFSPA Geography and humanscape as NON Indian.

Exactly it is the hegemony mindset with which Delhi Billionaire Millionaire ruling class of racial apartheid and caste dominance rules India and everyone from Kashmir,Northeast and central India and perhaps south India loses the citizenship of India and the Operation continues with as much as venom as Gujarat Genocide and Sikh Genocide.

Thus,Hindutva ideologue VHP leader Ashok Singhal boasts that GODHRA GIFTED Modi!

Media reports from Lucknow:

लखनऊ। विश्व हिन्दू परिषद (विहिप) के नेता अशोक सिंघल ने देश में इस्लाम को मानने वालों पर जमकर निशाना साधा। विहिप नेता ने कहा कि गोधरा में जिहादी इस्लाम ने कार सेवकों को जिंदा जला दिया था और उसी का नतीजा है कि नरेंद्र मोदी जैसा व्यक्ति मिला है।

सिंघल ने ये भी कहा कि आज दिल्ली की सत्ता उन लोगों के पास है, जो मानते हैं कि अयोध्या में बाबरी मस्जिद नहीं, बल्कि राम मंदिर था। जिहादी आक्रमणकर्ताओं ने जबरन लोगों को इस्लाम कबूल करवाया। जिन्होंने इस्लाम कबूल नहीं किया, उन्हें दलित बना दिया गया। इससे हिंदू समाज को बहुत नुकसान हुआ है।

गोधरा कांड की वजह से देश को मिले नरेंद्र मोदीः सिंघल
विश्व हिन्दू परिषद (विहिप) के नेता अशोक सिंघल ने देश में इस्लाम को मानने वालों पर जमकर निशाना साधा।

अशोक सिंघल ने ये बातें बुधवार को लखनऊ में महाराजा सुहेल देव की जयंती पर आयोजित एक कार्यक्रम में कही। इस दौरान गृहमंत्री राजनाथ सिंह भी मौजूद थे। उन्होंने कहा कि देश का इस्लाम जिहादी है। जिहादी इस्लाम दुनिया से खत्म हो जाएगा, जबकि शांतिपूर्ण इस्लाम बना रहेगा। ये जिहादी इस्लाम दुनिया में शांति नहीं रखना चाहता है, जबकि दुनिया चाहती है कि हम शांति से रहें।

विहिप नेता ने कहा कि नए-नए जिहादी संगठन खड़े हो रहे हैं। सीरिया से चला आईएसआईएस कहर बरपा रहा है। यह सारी दुनिया देख रही है। उन्होंने कहा कि जब भगवान चाहेंगे, तब राम मंदिर बन जाएगा। उन्होंने सवाल करते हुए कहा कि राममंदिर को लेकर इतनी जल्दबाजी क्यों है।

विहिप नेता ने इस्लाम को मानने वालों पर जमकर निशाना साधते हुए कहा कि देश में इस्लाम अनुयायी जिहादी हैं। ये जिहादी दुनिया में अमन-चैन नहीं चाहते हैं। राजा विक्रमादित्य ने जो राम मंदिर बनवाया था, उसे मुगलों ने तोड़ दिया। 800 साल बाद नरेंद्र मोदी की अगुवाई में दिल्ली की गद्दी पर हिंदुओं ने सत्ता पाई है।

And see Lalu full bloom!

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    The Indian Express-31-May-2015
    RJD chief Lalu Prasad and JD(U) president Sharad Yadav, however, attended the rally. ... I am not at all happy with the turnout today," he said.
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    Congress today said the Modi government has "failed" on all fronts except for ... Yadav said the constitutional vision of India came under "great ... had joined hands with bitter rival and RJD chief LaluPrasad for a common goal.
  7. Story image for Lalu yadav on India Today from NDTV

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  10. Story image for Lalu yadav on India Today from Daily News & Analysis

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