Friday, June 5, 2015

Cease-Fire Collapses As Fighting Re-Erupts In Eastern Ukraine

CC News Letter 04 June - February Cease-Fire Collapses As Fighting Re-Erupts In Eastern Ukraine

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

February Cease-Fire Collapses As Fighting Re-Erupts In Eastern Ukraine
By Niles Williamson

Renewed fighting broke out Wednesday between Ukrainian government forces and Russian-backed separatists around the rebel-held city of Donetsk. The fighting reported in Maryinka and Krsnohorivka, a few miles west of Donetsk in government-controlled territory, was the most serious between the two sides since a cease-fire which came into effect in February

The Child Veterans of South Sudan Want To Know, Will Americans Support Them?
By Nick Turse

U.S. assistance and nation-building efforts in South Sudan have had anything but the desired effects either for Washington or South Sudan. No less clearly, President Obama's gamble that looking the other way when it came to child soldiers would, in the long run, facilitate the end of their useimploded in 2013 with devastating results. Despite this, Zujian refuses to sour on the United States or at least its

TTIP And EU-India Trade Talks: Big Business Setting Policy With Public Participation Blocked
By Colin Todhunter

On Thursday 4 June, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled on an appeal taken by Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) against the European Commission for withholding information related to the EU's trade talks with India. The documents in question were deemed 'sensitive' and 'confidential' when access was requested by CEO in the public interest. The Commission was accused of discriminating in favour of corporate lobby groups and of violating the EU's transparency rules. The Court has however ruled against CEO. The decision risks deepening the secrecy shrouding EU trade policy

The Good, Bad And Uncertain About Recognizing 'Palestine'
By Ramzy Baroud

One could argue that the recognition of Palestine is much bigger than Abbas as an individual or a legacy. These recognitions demonstrate that there has been a seismic shift in international consensus regarding Palestine, where many countries in the southern and northern hemispheres seem to ultimately agree that it is time to liberate the fate of Palestine from American hegemony. In the long run, and considering the growing rebalancing of global powers, for Palestinians, this is a good start

Freedom of Speech V. Freedom of Religion:
Anti-Islam Armed Rally Outside Phoenix Mosque
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

Amid recent rise in Islamophobia, an anti-Islam rally was held on Friday (May 29, 2015) outside the Phoenix mosque. This was the second anti-Islam rally outside this mosque within two weeks. The first one held on May 17 garnered far less public and social media attention. Last Friday's anti-Islam rally gained attention around the country on social media

Canada's Devolution: From Peace Seeker To War Crimes: To Radioactive Denouement?
By Robert Snefjella

Canada's recent international role includes being a serial participant in wars of aggression – that which at Nuremberg was deemed the greatest crime. Organized mass murder of people and the destruction of their infrastructure, not as an act of self defense; blowing babies to bloody bits, reducing homes to rubble, this is the stuff of 'wars of aggression'

Modern Life, Light Pollution, & Fear Of The Dark
By Mickey Z.

Light pollution comes in many forms, including sky glow, light trespass, glare, light clutter, and over illumination. Whichever version you encounter, make no mistake, it's working against billions of years of light-dark regularity

Delhi Stands In Solidarity With Awas Haq Satyagrah In Mandala (Mumbai)
Press Release

Protest held at Maharashtra Sadan; Memorandum given to the Resident Commissioner

The Pro And Anti-India Question In Bangladesh Politics
By Farooque Chowdhury

Bangladesh politics can't escape India question. It was always there. For a long time, it can be assumed for obvious reasons, the issue will remain live in the politics. No one, if the person or the factor means politics in Bangladesh, owns any sense to ignore the issue

Manufacturing And Undermining National Icons: RSS Style
By Ram Puniyani

The play with the icons goes with the long term program of the cultural and social manipulation for building a society with the hegemony of Hindutva politics, a politics which derives its name from a religion but at core is the political agenda of elite of the Hindu society, irrespective of the fact that some from the lower strata of society are also co-opted for this political agenda. It's due to this that RSS focuses a lot on propagating the culture of a variety which is sectarian and backward looking, the agenda of Hindu Nationalism

Higher Education In India: Fresh Visions And Visionaries, The Need Of The Hour
By Cynthia Stephen

The vision of the excluded subalterns needs to be recognized. It needs to be central not only in documents but in social life. Well-qualified educationalists and policy makers with energy and the political will from the subaltern and excluded groups, including women, must be given opportunity to apply national commitments to national change. Then there may be equity and equality in Higher education in India. Clearly, one Prof. Thorat is insufficient to bring about the paradigm shift that is required. Will the policy makers and the political class have the courage to do what it takes?

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