Friday, May 22, 2015

With the completion of one year of the Modi government, the CPI(M) is running a campaign on its website, Facebook account and twitter.

With the completion of one year of the Modi government, the CPI(M) is running a campaign on its website, Facebook account and twitter.

Titled "Ek Saal, Bura Haal" & "Namo ka Ek Saal, Gamoh (sorrow) Ka Ek Saal",the campaign posters, cartoons and analysis are available on "Views that
Matter" on the website, on Facebook and cpimspeak on twitter.

Views That Matter

Prime Minister Modi and his government have been tom-tomming their commitment to Sab ka Vikas (everybody's development) and one of the major policies through which they think 'development' will take place is "financial inclusion"
One year of Modi Sarkar has been witness to an unrelenting campaign of 'Saffronization' that has encompassed or touched upon so many social spheres that its ultimate objective of achieving the establishment of a Hindu Rashtra can no longer be questioned.
Modi government had been very keen to implement labour reforms that the industries had been demanding for long. Introducing the new spell of reforms on October 2014, the Prime Minister underlined the importance of labour in making India and argued for viewing the issues related to labour from the...
  Prime Minister Modi is off again on another of his foreign visits, this time to Germany, France and Canada. In the ten months since he took oath last year, he has already visited 12 countries: Bhutan, Brazil, Nepal, Japan, USA, Myanmar, Australia, Fiji, Nepal, Seychelles, Mauritius, Sri Lanka (in...
Arvind Subramaniam et al: Conflict of Interest Exposed  Commentator   The United States is pushing India to dilute its patent laws. This is to help big pharma companies that manufacture medicines which Indian domestic companies produce at a fraction of the price under India's patent laws.
 P.Rajeeve had First Raised Voice Against Sec.66A in Parliament
India and the US renewed the 10-year Defence Framework Agreement (DFA) for another decade during US President Barack Obama's visit to New Delhi in January 2015. 
  One of the frightening things about the Modi government is the extent to which it is managing to avoid or circumvent democratic accountability. The presentation and subsequent manipulation of the Union Budget is just one of the many examples of this, but it is an extremely telling example...
It is Budget time and the government is as usual lamenting that there are no resources. This is what all finance ministers claim, accompanied by hand-wringing and calls for tightening the belts. This becomes the foundation stone for building their dream castles out of some well-known policies:...
The Modi government's second Union budget will be presented on 28th February 2015.The first one, in June 2014, was almost identical to the interim budget of the UPA government presented a few months earlier, which was a reflection of two things. Firstly, that the commitment to progressively reduce...

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  The MNREGA has many problems and inadequacies, no doubt. But it has provided a crucial alternative source of employment and wages in rural economies where most workers are not able to access even minimally decent work for the greater part of the year. Studies across India found that by 2014...
The phenomenal expenditure incurred on military by wealthy nations, particularly United States, not only diverts precious resources from improving lives of their people, but also ensures that they dominate the world through actual use or show of force in order to push their economic interests. 
New Health Policy: Preparing for Privatisation
Selling India's Poverty in the Name of 'Make in India' 
Dismantling Food Security in India
During Obama's visit, the US and Indian governments announced that they have at last found a way around India's Civil Liability for Nuclear Damages Act, 2010. Instead of the US nuclear suppliers having some liability for their supplies, as envisaged in the Act, all the liability would now be...
all likelihood, when Obama meets Modi in New Delhi, he will again try to put pressure on India to ease up on its patent laws so that Big Pharma (giant US and European pharma companies) can sell their exorbitantly priced drugs in India, under protection of patents. 
For the second time in his two-term presidency, Obama will be visiting India, this time round as the Chief Guest of the Republic Day Parade. He is the first US President to be given this largely ceremonial honor. That's a sign of how much the Modi government is willing to bend over backwards to...
The brutal killing of the cartoonists of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo by two men reportedly belonging to the Al Qaeda has triggered a massive wave of protests in France. 
The Modi Government in an authoritarian manner has amended the Land Acquisition legislation through an Ordinance without going through the Parliament. The CPI(M) had criticised the Act brought by the UPA Government as being inadequate and had moved amendments to it.
Since the BJP government came to power in , PM Modi, many of his cabinet colleagues and a slew of RSS affiliated organisations  have been arguing that ancient Indian sages and seers had developed science to such an extent that many of the modern sophisticated scientific achievements are mere...
Why are people seeking piecemeal, low-paying jobs in thesestaggering numbers? Because, over the past decade and a half, there has been hardly any increase in job opportunities.

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