Friday, May 22, 2015

Save Our Annadatas By Dr Vandana Shiva

 Save Our Annadatas By Dr Vandana Shiva
Dear Friend,

If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here You can also follow us on twitter, and on Facebook,

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Poroshenko Says Ukraine Is At War With Russia
By Alex Lantier

In an inflammatory statement to the BBC yesterday, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko declared that his regime, which enjoys political and military support from Washington and the European Union (EU), is at war with Russia. "Can I be absolutely clear with you, this is not a fight with Russian-backed separatists, this is a real war with Russia," Poroshenko said. He added that he expected renewed fighting in regions of east Ukraine held by pro-Russian separatist forces in the coming days

Save Our Annadatas
By Dr Vandana Shiva

If Indian peasants and small farmers are wiped out no one else can feed India. India's agriculture and food systems are based on diversity. Imagine your thali with food cooked from GMO corn and soya (the only major crops grown in the US), without spices, without local vegetables, without indigenous edible oils, without desi wheat or rice or millets

Sowing The GM Seeds Of Depopulation?
By Colin Todhunter

As with the control of food and agriculture, the US also regards depopulation as a potential geo-strategic tool in the quest for control of global resources. What better way to achieve this via a (GM) tampered-with food system that US agribusiness has increasingly come to dominate?

2015: Is It The Year Marcellus Shale Gas Peaked
And Then Began Falling As Fast As It Rose?
By Nicholas C. Arguimbau

How easy it is to forget there are limits to growth, especially when what you observe is designed to make us forget. The great Marcellus is famous for having increased its production 12-fold in four years to become the US' largest producing natural gas field, but things have not looked that great lately. The average daily production estimate reported by EIA in January was 16319, in February was 16550 a gain of 1.4%, in March was 16600, a gain of 0.3% in April has been 16706, a gain of0.9% and is projected to be 16716 MMcf/d in May, a gain of 0.06%. Not a stellar performance.: a gain of 2.4% in 4 months, most of that at the beginning. Any bets that it will be going down by July? Where is the mighty Marcellus?

Is Israel America's Friend? Or America's Enemy?
By Eric Zuesse

Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has selected as his Minister of Justice a woman who has expressed hatred against all Palestinians, and he has appointed as his negotiator with the Palestians a man who said, and who has always followed though with, "We are all against a Palestinian state, there is no question about it."

Fundamentalist America Has Trashed Secular Governance, Modernity,
Democracy, Women's Rights And Children's Rights In The Muslim World
By Dr Gideon Polya

Successive American governments claim to be leading a global fight of Western civilization against Muslim extremists but the Awful Truth is that American governments lie and that a pro-One Percenter, religious fundamentalist-dominated, Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-perverted America has an appalling record of supporting and exciting religious fundamentalist rebels (jihadis) against modern, secular regimes in Muslim countries with the collateral trashing of democracy, women's rights, and children's rights

India: Preserve Net Neutrality For Innovation And Growth
By George Abraham

India is still at its infancy when it comes to technology innovation and the Internet is key to that success. If India is to become a future hub of innovation promoting competition and investment in emerging technologies, let it preserve a free and open Internet for generations to come. Let India not extend its VIP culture on to the Internet

Jammu Massacre Of 1947
By Dr. Abdul Ahad

What followed were the heinous genocidal crimes that killed about half a million unarmed Muslims between August and December 1947, besides enforcing exodus of an incalculable number that had escaped jaws of barbaric death. Twenty seven thousand Muslim women including little girls were abducted. The daughter of a veteran leader, Choudhary Abbas was recovered after three days of her abduction. With no parallel in State's history, it was a huge massacre of innocent Muslims; nay a systematic genocide; a holocaust of humanity comparable to wiping out of people by Changaz and Timore and more monstrous than carried during American-Indian Wars and second World War

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