Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Another policy corruption –government trying to get the loan waive of from donor agencies

Another policy corruption –government trying to get the loan waive of from donor agencies

Kalyan Bhattarai <>

Another policy corruption –government trying to get the loan waive of from donor agencies-it sound nice to hear but the dirty machination in the process is very harmful to the nation. I strongly request all the donor agencies to consider the following  before thinking about the proposal of the corrupt power hungry crooks of Nepal whom the fool consider as political leaders

1.   Demand the return of all corrupt money from those who have looted it in the name of medical treatment.

2.   Demand forming a high power investigative commission to find the corruption of the leaders from 2046 and

3.   Demand death penalty to all corrupt

4.   Demand confiscation of all property of everybody that is without proper legitimate source.  

5.   Demand the limitation of minster to maximum 10

6.   Demand the dissolution of the CA and return of all salary perks collected by the 601 slaves of the corrupt leaders.

Until these 6 issues are properly fulfilled to waive the loan is nothing but to support the corruption .All donor agencies be careful the money is from the taxpayers of your country and to allow the looters of the Nepal to get those taxpayer's money is crime and the people and law  of your country will not leave you .do not sale your inner voice for petty commission you expect to get from the corrupt leaders of Nepal on waving the loan. 

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