Wednesday, May 27, 2015

a seminar regarding Netaji and youth of India

বন্ধু ,

আগামী ৩১/৫/২০১৫ এ বিকাল ৫ টায় নেতাজী এবং যুব সমাজ শীর্ষক একটি আলোচনা সভার আয়োজন করাহয়েছে শ্যামবাজার টাউন স্কুল
এর পাশে আরসালান এর ওপরের হল এ। আপনাদের সকলের সক্রিয় অংশগ্রহণ একান্ত কাম্য।

- শুভজিত

On 31st May, Sunday, we going to hold a seminar regarding Netaji and youth of India. You are cordially requested to be present at our seminar hall on 5th floor beside town school.

Dear friends!

I have to leave for my office right on 5 PM as I am just ALONE on editorial desk as other two are on leave.I have to touch the biometric attendance button within 7 PM what if I have been carrying the edition from day one!
Hence,I may not attend anywhere else unless I have to be on leave managing the production of the edition.
But I am always with fiends.I might not publish news on Print as I have to do nothing with space management or policy making.
But we have trying our best to create an alternative forum HASTAKSHEP in every Indian language.
Pl keep in touch and post us your reports in any language with the gist written in English or Hindi as introduction so that the nationwide audience may get through.
Palash Biswas

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