Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Notes de lecture: Une histoire populaire de la résistance palestinienne

 Notes de lecture: Une histoire populaire de la résistance palestinienne

Mazin Qumsiyeh <mazin@qumsiyeh.org>

UNESCO designated May 18 as International Museum day because museums play a
significant role in advancing learning, developing culture, preserving our
heritage and beauty of nature and civilization and much more. For those of
us volunteering or working at the museums, that is what we are doing every
day. Just for examples from the past few days. Wednesday we finished the
first draft of the research paper on butterflies (54 species). We will
finish other papers as we are expecting also scientific researchers to join
us this summer or early fall (one from Jordan, one from Germany). Thursday,
we honored those who served at Bethlehem University for years and we
released some new animals into the garden and worked in the garden. On
Friday, we brought in new furniture, did some work in the botanical garden,
and put up a nice plaque commemorating the Nakba. On Saturday, we had >30
participants in a workshop at the museum to advance our physical and
psychological well-being by using excercises, garden work, medicinal and
herbal plants and much more. On Sunday we hosted 44 visitors from Nazareth
on a tour of Battir (UNESCO world heritage site), Al-Walaja, and then
interactions and very nice lunch at the museum (traditional Zarb and waraq
dawali with kusa and salads). This is all thanks to efforts of volunteers
and donors. We would welcome your visits and participation. We are
especially interested in University students (and all students of
knowledge) who have time this summer as we go to a second level. All skill
levels and types (or no skills) are welcome since motivation is what
counts.  To help us, see PalestineNature.org and also join our facebook
page at: Palestine Museum of Natural History.

Outside the museum, a lot of positive new developments are also happening.
Our friend Samia Khoury commented on the canonization as saints of two
Palestinian women by the Catholic Church: "Ever since I heard the news of
the  canonization of two Palestinian women saints I could not help but
wonder about this  new image of Palestinian women who have never failed to
meet the challenges of their times.  With a country drowned with martyrs
due to the grave injustice inflicted upon us as Palestinians,  and in the
absence of any resolve to redress that injustice, and the failure of all
mediation, maybe our only remaining hope, is the intercession  of those
saints, whether we believe in saints or not. After all this is the Holy
Land where so many miracles have taken place,  starting  with the birth of
Jesus Christ to his resurrection, and throughout his ministry.  How
meaningful that this event should be taking place under the Papacy of Pope
Francis who continues to amaze us with his remarkable changes at the
Vatican. Samia". Further the Vatican will now recognize the State of
Palestine. Things are changing and Zionists need to realize that they can
change nicely to move towards justice and equality or they will be forced
to do so. There is no other choice. The USA which is the largest enabler of
this rogue "Jewish state" needs to change its foreign policy very quickly
and it has a great opportunity in the extended hand of Iran to really fight
extremism here in Western Asia (whether it is under the banner of Islam,
Christianity, or Judaism). Reshaping our area can only be in those two
directions: Human Rights or endless conflicts. I suggest the best place to
start is with Palestinian refugees being allowed to return to their homes
and lands. This will change dynamics here so that people start to believe
that fairness and justice are possible.

Tentative schedule for my upcoming visit to Europe (my book on "Sharing the
Land of Canaan" is out in German):
21 June Sunday Arrive from Amman to Munich
22 June - Munich.  19:30 Munich Palestine Day event
23 June - take train from Munich to Leipzig
24 June - Leipzig (take night train from Leipzig to Berlin)
25 June - Berlin
26 June - Frankfurt (take morning train from Berlin to Frankfurt)
27 June - Heidelberg (take morning train from Frankfurt to Heidelberg)
28 June - Zurich (by train from Heidelberg to Zurich).  17:00 monthly Cafe
Palestine event
29 June - Freiburg (by train from Zurich to Freiburg)
30 June - take train from Freiburg to Dornbirn (rest)
1 July - Dornbirn
2 July - Dornbirn. Fly to Vienna from Innsbruck
3 July - Vienna
4 July - Depart from Vienna to Amman

Notes de lecture: Une histoire populaire de la résistance palestinienne…

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Mazin Qumsiyeh

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