Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Shabnam Hashmi Gujarat continues to Burn.

Gujarat continues to Burn.
Message from a small village which was attacked today

alerting media , activists

To Human rights organisation . 
Sub regarding Human rights.

Dear sir i am from hansot is a small villege in Bharuch Gujarat India ..its poppulation is around 5000 out of this 3000 is muslim its surround 52 hindu villages are there.from last so many days the muslim of hansot people are living in tension and fear ,today in small issue all surrounding village people surround the hansot with weapons and they have atacked the muslim of hansot the police was present at same time but they dont took any action at that time also people have attacked ambulance which carry patints inside.also they have attcked farms and give fire to farm and shops economically lots of loss happend to all muslims . Hindu fundamantalist providing full support in terms of police support and political support i urge on the behalf of all muslims from hansot village to take action on police and lift out our voice. Any reply it would be highly appreciated Regards..................

Shabnam Hashmi's photo.
Shabnam Hashmi's photo.
Shabnam Hashmi's photo.

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