Palash Biswas
Dateline:Nagpur,New Delhi and Kolkata.
NIKHIL BHARAT BANGALI UDBASTU SAMANWAY SAMITEE President Dr.Subodh Biswas and General Secretary, Supreme court lawyer Advocate Ambika Roy have appealed to the government of India as well as the governments of West Bengal,Assam,Tripura and Bihar to intervene and ensure the security of minorities in Bangladesh and preempt further refugee influx.
Suman Mandal from Dhaka shares this news item!
বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় হিন্দু মহাজোটের সংবাদ সম্মেলনে বর্তমান হিন্দু সম্প্রদায়ের উপর নির্যাতন, হত্যা, মঠ মন্দির ভাংচুরের প্রতিবাদে বক্তৃতা দিচ্ছেন হরি ঠাকুর সেবা মহাসংঘের মহাসচিব মতুয়াচার্য শ্রী নির্মল ঠাকুর।
স্থানঃ ঢাকা রিপোটার্স মিলনায়তন।
Bangldesh National Hindu alliance leaders addressed Dhaka Press to lodge their resistance against minority Hindu Persecution in Bangladesh.Refugee leader Dr.Subodh Biswas is concerned with the situation in Bangladesh and is afraid of further Refugee influx in India which would rather complicate the plight of Partition victim Bengali refugees deprived of citizenship.civic and human rights.
In Bangladesh the Matua Movement is leading the minorities and they addressed the Dahaka press conferenece protesting continuity of persecution,murders,rapes,attacks of worship places and so on.
It is rather different scenario in India.Despite Hindutva being the declared agenda of the ruling hegemony,the Hindu majority in India or Bengal refuse the refugees as human being at all and the mainstream discriminates Bengali Hindu Refugees in every sphere of life.More over,the refugees being mainly SC and OBC are deprived of mother tongue and constitutional safe guards everwhere out of Bengal.
Bengal has discarded this Hindu Dalit no less than fifty million mass out of Bengali History and Politics and rather enjoys apathy against them.
The people in different states and the political parties and civil societies countrywide stands rock solid in support and it is the only survival kit for the refugees countrywide.
The refugees support different political parties in different states.
NIKHIL BHARAT BANGALI UDBASTU SAMANWAY SAMITEE has achieved the goal to unite every refugee irrespective of his or her identity,ideology and politics.The samiti is a democratic organization which has workers and supporters in every state and the Samiti respects the difference of opinion.
NIKHIL BHARAT BANGALI UDBASTU SAMANWAY SAMITEE has to play the unifying role lest the refugees scattered countrywide have to pay very dearly.
Thus,NIKHIL BHARAT BANGALI UDBASTU SAMANWAY SAMITEE has organized a one day meeting in Bamungachhi near Barasat in Bengal to strengthen the organization.
NIKHIL BHARAT BANGALI UDBASTU SAMANWAY SAMITEE President Dr.Subodh Biswas and General Secretary, Supreme court lawyer Advocate Ambika Roy have appealed every refugee leader and worker to join the meeting so that we may stand united.

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